Thursday, November 1, 2007

October 22, 2007 A.I. (UWest) Minutes

22 October, 2007
  1. Danny welcomed everyone. He related that there are many Urgent Action notices, but due to the recent widespread media coverage and campus inquiry, the situation in Myanmar/Burma should be our top priority.
  2. Two particular cases were focused on due to their fear of torture and other ill-treatments – the activist Hla Mjo Naung and student leader Htay Kywe, both detainees who are proponents of democracy and non-violence.
  3. Danny suggested we write to the senior generals and other authorities in Burma, and asked if there were any specific questions regarding the circumstances there.
  4. Danny then spoke briefly on the procedure and style of Amnesty International letter writing, and proposed that certain people volunteer to write each of the five letters to the authorities for the detainees in Burma and then everyone would sign each as a corporate correspondence of the UWest Chapter of Amnesty International.
  5. Daphna volunteered to write 2 letters and Jesse, Khoa, and Danny each wrote one letter – all at the meeting signed each of the letters.
  6. Danny also mentioned the success of the Karaoke fundraiser; $ 1,575.26 was raised for the US campaign for Burma.
  7. Pictures were taken of the letter writing.

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